
Foto Ivan P. Matthieu

Melanie Dellenbach Body Respect Activist Fat Dipl. Nurse Critical Mother Fatshionista Body Trust® Provider-in-training

Hello and welcome to Yes2Bodies!

My name is Melanie Dellenbach and my humble goal: To create a new culture of body respect in Switzerland together with you.

Many years ago, I left the vicious circle of dieting and stopped postponing my life until later.
In 2011, I founded a Swiss Plus Size Fashion Blog (2011-2015). Showing the world of the Fatshion Community and myself was a very important step towards body liberation in my life.
During a year in the USA (San Francisco) I got to know Health at every size (HAES®) and the movement of fat activism. Since then, I have intensively studied and researched these topics. My work is characterized by my experience as a fat woman and mother and by my training as a qualified nurse HF.

I start Yes2Bodies with the dream that my daughter can feel safe, respected and at peace in her body, and that Switzerland strongly opposes weight discrimination.

It’s nice that you are here!

P.S. I refer to myself as FAT.
My eyes are blue and I am fat, both are neutral descriptions of my body.